Chantelle Slater!
Chantelle coachar två lag, peewee cheer och youth dance. Utöver cheerleadingen dansar hon väldigt mycket. Hon går sitt andra år på dance college och har fullt upp med det.
How old were you when you first started cheerleading?
I was 8 years old.
What is your best tumbling pass?
Standing back tuck and ro bhs tuck.
What is your best competition memory?
That has to be Worlds 2008. We got 3rd! It was also amazing to watch teams like Cheer Athletics and Top Gun.
How big is cheerleading in Scotland and in the rest of UK? Is there a lot of good teams?
It's quite big, but not nearly as big as in the US. The standard isn't that high... Acension Eagles is however a really great team.
Topp till vänster.
Gold Star Galaxy 2008
Ro bhs tuck = rondat flickis salto
Postat av: annnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
HAH :D därför hon var lurig sist jag pratade med hon ;)
Postat av: Ida
Anna: Haha vadå lurig? Tell me later!