Christmas mode!
Idag är det många lag som har juluppvisningar. Kommer ni ihåg de här två filmerna? Lite julstämning á la cheer! Haha.
12th day: Maryland Twisters
11th day: Sparkly Spankies
10th day: Cali Coed
9th day: Fierce Boarders
8th day: Stingray Oranges
7th day: Twist and Shouters
6th day: Top Gun Jags
5th day: Worlds Rings
4th day: Big Cheer Bows
3rd day: CA Panthers
2nd day: Shooting Stars
1st day: Some Brad Vaughan Choreography
Omg I'm nervous. The lights are really bright. I hope I don't throw up, like I did last night. UH!
CHORUS: Triple toe triple toe triple toe full. Slap clap load in full up to the top. Work. Kick that stretch pull that scorp double twist down *clap slap*. Set out slap clap twirl that hair around FIERCE.
Coach said I had to squat because I'm really fat. I don't have to do motions, so I'm okay with that!
Standing in my corner, waiting for my pass. Oh my god it's time to go, I better run real fast! HEY!
Oh my gosh she's heavy! She's breaking my back. Can we just drop her? Will we lose points for that? OH!
This dance is really fast. It's really hard for me. I need my inhaler, because I can not breathe!
Work it out work it out work this dance out! Up down roll around shimmy to the ground! Hey! Come on team, we're almost done, almost to the end. Hit that pose, Chin up high! Love your hair, hope you win! DING!
12th day: Maryland Twisters
11th day: Sparkly Spankies
10th day: Cali Coed
9th day: Fierce Boarders
8th day: Stingray Oranges
7th day: Twist and Shouters
6th day: Top Gun Jags
5th day: Worlds Rings
4th day: Big Cheer Bows
3rd day: CA Panthers
2nd day: Shooting Stars
1st day: Some Brad Vaughan Choreography
Omg I'm nervous. The lights are really bright. I hope I don't throw up, like I did last night. UH!
CHORUS: Triple toe triple toe triple toe full. Slap clap load in full up to the top. Work. Kick that stretch pull that scorp double twist down *clap slap*. Set out slap clap twirl that hair around FIERCE.
Coach said I had to squat because I'm really fat. I don't have to do motions, so I'm okay with that!
Standing in my corner, waiting for my pass. Oh my god it's time to go, I better run real fast! HEY!
Oh my gosh she's heavy! She's breaking my back. Can we just drop her? Will we lose points for that? OH!
This dance is really fast. It's really hard for me. I need my inhaler, because I can not breathe!
Work it out work it out work this dance out! Up down roll around shimmy to the ground! Hey! Come on team, we're almost done, almost to the end. Hit that pose, Chin up high! Love your hair, hope you win! DING!