15 day cheerleading challenge
- Favorite "famous" cheerleading team
- Favorite cheerlebrity
- Favorite jump
- Favorite stunt
- Favorite flyer position
- Favorite "famous" cheerleading uniform
- Favorite TV/movie cheerleading uniform
- Favorite cheerleading-movie
- Your team's colors
- A photo of you cheering/in your uniform
- The team you’re on, and a short description of it
- Fondest cheer-memory
- Your biggest goal as a cheerleader
- Favorite cheerleading photo (doesn't have to be of you/your squad)
- Favorite cheerleading blog(s), with links
Hittade en ny utmaning, kommentera om ni också gör den i er blogg! Hittade den hos Cheer plus life, HÄR.
Hittat en annan, typ nästan likadan :)!
1. Post a picture of yourself in your uniform and a short description of you
2. Write about your cheerleading team (write about everyone and don't forget your coaches!)
3. Explain why you love cheerleading
4. List any cheer injuries
5. Your favourite allstar team
6. Your favourite cheerleader
7. Your favourite coach
8. Your favourite stunt
9. Your favourite jump
10. Post a video on a routine that you are in love with
11. Post a video that inspires you
12. Post five cheerleading photos that inspires you
13. Your worst moment in cheer
14. Your happiest moment in cheer
15. Your proudest moment in cheer
16. Your biggest cheerleading goal
17. A video on you (or you and your team) at a cheer practice/cheer competition
Elin: Den verkar också rolig, den kan jag göra sen!
Jag kör den! Sen ska jag göra den som Elin hade hittat! :)
Dette blir gøy! Jeg gleder meg til å se resultatet :-)
Jaaaag :)