Kollade när Jonna körde, men inte på kvalen som var efter henne.. Vet du vad hon fick för placering och om hon har gått vidare? :)
Alexandra: Jonna slutade på 39:e plats och tog sig inte till final.
Interested in getting traffic for your site at zero cost? Here are 5 high traffic sites where you can advertise your website completely free:
Advertise your online biz or "brick and mortar" shop without paying a dime. This post examines 5 cool ways to get lots of high exposure ads for free for your business:
Don't spend another dollar on advertising until you've seen this first:
Automatic ad submission to thousands of ad sites every month. Submit your ad now:
How to Get Free Advertising on Google. This guide will show you 21 step-by-step ways to get more buyers to your website organically with Google:
Are you currently accepting ads on your site? Would you approve my site to be advertised? What would you charge?
Bullshit right? All business opportunity ads. Yep most of them are scams but that's not to say that they're all scams. An easy way to spot the mlm/bizop mafia is to look out for upfront fees. If they charge them then chances are they're pretty shady. I've put a list together of 21 passive income strategies that aren't scams and don't charge shit to join. Check it out :
Who says you have to pay for web traffic? Here are a bunch of high traffic sites that take free ads:
Here is a list of sites where you can post free ads: